mayi f an g, jiangwei p in g, xirui j ie. anal y sisofseismo-ionos p hericanomaliesinverticaltotalelectroncontentofgimforlushanearth q uake[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2015, 40(9): 1274-1278. DOI: 10.13203/j .whu g is20130683
Citation: mayi f an g, jiangwei p in g, xirui j ie. anal y sisofseismo-ionos p hericanomaliesinverticaltotalelectroncontentofgimforlushanearth q uake[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2015, 40(9): 1274-1278. DOI: 10.13203/j .whu g is20130683

anal y sisofseismo-ionos p hericanomaliesinverticaltotalelectroncontentofgimforlushanearth q uake

  • inthisp a p er,weanal y sedtheseismo-ionos p hericanomaliesofthevertical totaleletroncon-tentextractedfromag lobalionos p herema pdurin gthelushanearth q uakeb yado p tin gaq uartile-basedmethod.toconfirm whethertheionos p hericanomaliesassociatedwiththeearth q uake,vtecg radientsintheeastwardandnorthwarddirectionsnearthee p icenterwerefurtherexamined,andvtecdatadurin gthesamep eriodin2008-2012werecross-comp ared.theresultsshowthatthene g-ativeanomaliesdurin g18to20ap rilarep robabl ycausedb ylushanearth q uake.anal y sisofe q uatori-alanomal yneare p icentershowsthatthecrestssi g nificantl ydecreasedfiveda y sbeforetheearth-q uake,andmovedtoma g netice q uator.combinin gionos p hericne g ativeanomalieswiththemodifica-tionofthee q uatorialanomal y,wefindthattheanomalouselectricfieldg eneratedintheearth q uake.
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